Friday, July 11, 2008


I was lucky enough to have 4 friends from San Diego come out to visit for 4th of July weekend. We filled our days enjoying Denver sites. Our first day together, we took the train up to Pikes Peak. The ride up was beautiful....full of lush green trees, wildlife and amazing sites (like Western Kansas). Once we reached the top, it was a different story. Denver, 5, 280 feet high, was warm and sunny that day. Pikes Peak, over 14,000 feet high, not so much. It was cloudy, cold (the temperature dropped 30-40 degrees during our climb), and it was snowing and hailing at the same time. Our tour guides called this grappling (don't know how to spell it). My friends and I called it "snailing." If it's snowing and hailing...wouldn't it make sense to combine those 2 words. We thought so. Besides, snailing is way more fun to say. While we didn't get to see a lot at the top, we had a great time and our ride down (what I remember...I fell asleep) was just as beautiful as the ride up.

We spent 4th of July in Westminster, CO...just 30 minutes west of Denver. We enjoyed the fireworks and Chik-fil-a was there which made us all excited. We were also able to hike in Rocky Mountain National Park with perfect weather. I had such a great time with these girls and definitely needed to see some good friends from San Diego. I've missed San Diego more than I thought I would.

As for the rest of this's going well. I'm enjoying the hospital. I have definitely had my ups and downs being back on the oncology floor. There have been some kids/families that have really made me question my place as an oncology nurse. I've also struggled with the "Why?" question a lot lately. Why cancer, why kids? But, God is so faithful in reminding me He has me here for a reason. The simplest act of taking care of a child with cancer is humbling and life changing for me. Despite my doubts, my heart knows I'm in the right place. I can't cure cancer, but I can help by standing side by side with these kids and families in the fight against cancer. I can listen, care, show compassion, and advocate for my kids...and that can make all the difference. God definitely uses my kids and their families to encourage and strengthen my faith.
God has really answered my prayers regarding my plan after the 13 weeks in Denver. I've been on night shift here, but my body isn't really cooperating with me. Nights have always been a challenge for me. I was praying for some day shift travel assignments to show up...and they did. I have accepted an assignment in Phoenix, AZ at the children's hospital there. I will be on the oncology floor again...but this time on day shift. I know many of you may be asking "Why Phoenix?" Well, it's a day shift position with good pay, it's on an oncology floor, it's 5 hours from San Diego, and I have a friend there. The positives of the assignment definitely outweigh the negatives (the heat!). I start in mid August and will be there until mid October. As hard as it is to leave Denver and my best friend, this definitely feels like the right move for me. I'll keep everyone updated on the rest of my time in Denver! Please keep kids with cancer and their families in your prayers.
Well, that's a life update from 5,280 feet high! Check back soon for pictures...still working on that part but they're coming I promise!! :)